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 CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me.

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Cat O'Connor
❝ Cat O'Connor ❞

◊ WHERE : Irlande.
◊ AGE : vingt-quatre ans.
◊ PSEUDO : dear.prudence
◊ COPYRIGHT : Lemon.Incest

CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. _
MessageSujet: CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me.   CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. EmptySam 8 Jan - 22:42

CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. Tumblr_leo7f6qD1j1qzzqaxo1_r1_500

AVATAR PAR lemon.incest

mister/lady ϟ prénom(s) nom(s)
ÂGE (en maj.) ♦ STATUT (en maj.) ♦ ORIGINES ET LIEU D'HABITATION HORS ÎLE (en maj) ♦ EMPLOI/ETUDES (en maj.) ♦ GROUPE (en maj.)
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réponse ici réponse ici réponse ici réponse ici réponse ici réponse ici réponse ici réponse ici réponse ici réponse ici réponse ici réponse ici réponse ici réponse ici
réponse ici réponse ici réponse ici réponse ici réponse ici réponse ici réponse ici réponse ici réponse ici réponse ici réponse ici réponse ici réponse ici réponse ici
Je me présente, je m'appelle nom prénom et j'ai âge ans. Oui, parce qu'en fait, je suis né(e) le date de naissance à lieu de naissance. Sinon, je suis nationalité malgré que je sois origines d'origine. Je suis statut social et ce n'est pas évident tous les jours. Concernant ma vie amoureuse, puisque vous insistez tant, sachez que je suis état civil. On dit de moi que je suis six qualités et six défauts. Tout le monde n'est pas parfait de toute façon ! Ce que j'aime faire dans la vie, c'est bien simple réponse ici.
❆ ❆ ❆
with a sunshine in a bag
Ici, vous rédigerez l'histoire de votre personnage, en un texte synthétique ou en plusieurs anecdotes. Un minimum de 50 lignes est demandé. Cela peut paraître excessif mais sachant que le code utilisé pour la fiche de présentation raccourci le champs d'écriture, c'est très vite atteint. Et puis n'oubliez pas qu'on demande un certain niveau ;) Aussi, n'oubliez pas que si vous êtes un défunt par exemple il vous faudra obligatoirement nous parler de votre mort, c'est à dire de sa cause, comment ça s'est déroulé ect..
❆ ❆ ❆
steady, watch me navigate
Donne-nous cinq caractéristiques concernant ton personnage en passant par l'accro au vernis rouge ou bien au gars totalement geek n'arrivant pas à s'assumer. Tes petits secrets seront alors dévoilés au grand jour... laisse donc parler ton imagination débordante. Vous pouvez ne pas développer et seulement faire une liste de caractéristiques (traits de caractères, goûts, amis...), comme vous pouvez organiser cette section en catégories et rédiger quelques phrases explicatives sur chaque point (phobies, manies, tics ou encore peurs.) [Texte à effacer lors de la rédaction de votre présentation.]
écrire ici écrire ici écrire ici écrire ici écrire ici

we are your captains in it
Je suis le monstre qui dort sous ton lit mais je t'en prie, appelle-moi pseudo/prénom. On m'a souvent dit que je ne faisais pas mon âge, pourtant j'ai votre âge et j'ai encore toutes mes dents ! Et sans rire, si je suis arrivé(e) ici c'est simplement que j'ai suivi la fée clochette l'autre nuit, même si en réalité j'ai dire comment vous avez connu le forum. Après observation je dois avouer votre avis sur le forum, en plus de ça je dois remercier crédit bannière pour son art en libre service. Arf, je peux pas m'en empêcher, je dois vous l'avouer dites le mot de la fin, ou alors une simple chose à rajouter.

Dernière édition par Cat O'Connor le Sam 8 Jan - 23:25, édité 1 fois
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Cat O'Connor
❝ Cat O'Connor ❞

◊ WHERE : Irlande.
◊ AGE : vingt-quatre ans.
◊ PSEUDO : dear.prudence
◊ COPYRIGHT : Lemon.Incest

CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. _
MessageSujet: Re: CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me.   CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. EmptySam 8 Jan - 22:43

est-il possible de me réserver le bel Andrew ? CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 541688
Votre forum, il rocks en tout cas CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 395456 CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 80784
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Arnaud Lemarchal
Arnaud Lemarchal

YIPPEE-KI-YAY ; motherfucker!

◊ WHO : Jacob 'Jake' Abel
◊ WHERE : Entre Paris et Hawaii
◊ AGE : 23 ans
◊ QUOTE : There might have been a time When I would give myself away. Once upon a time I didn't give a damn But now Here we are So whataya want from me Whataya want from me
◊ MESSAGES : 259
◊ PSEUDO : Camisado
◊ COPYRIGHT : Camisado, Adam Lambert - quote &. signature

CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. _
MessageSujet: Re: CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me.   CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. EmptySam 8 Jan - 22:44

AH MON DIEU VOUS VOULEZ ME TUER GARANCE ET TOI CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 541688
J'arrête pas d'écouter l'album de Mike depuis.. que je le connais en fait Laughing
Je te réserves le beau Andrew pour 48h, et bienvenue! :)
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Garance Chevalier
Garance Chevalier

◊ WHO : Kristen sexy Stewart
◊ WHERE : Garance est une parisienne
◊ AGE : vingt-et-un ans
◊ COPYRIGHT : avatars (c) camisado

CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. _
MessageSujet: Re: CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me.   CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. EmptySam 8 Jan - 22:46

ANDREW + CE TITRE. Je t'aime déjà CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 892559
Pareil, c'est un pote qui me l'a fait découvrir. Depuis je me le passe en boucle ♥️
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Cat O'Connor
❝ Cat O'Connor ❞

◊ WHERE : Irlande.
◊ AGE : vingt-quatre ans.
◊ PSEUDO : dear.prudence
◊ COPYRIGHT : Lemon.Incest

CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. _
MessageSujet: Re: CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me.   CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. EmptySam 8 Jan - 22:48

AHAH, coalition ! Je n'avais même pas vu que Garance avait aussi mis des paroles de Cooler Than me CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 397154 Il faut dire que Mike est génial, c'est tout CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 123286
Merci à toi Arnaud en tout cas CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 216329

AAAH, la fameuse Garance qui a d'excellents goûts musicaux CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 909775 Je t'aime déjà aussi. Il nous faudra un lien qui gère autant que la chanson CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 541688
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Garance Chevalier
Garance Chevalier

◊ WHO : Kristen sexy Stewart
◊ WHERE : Garance est une parisienne
◊ AGE : vingt-et-un ans
◊ COPYRIGHT : avatars (c) camisado

CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. _
MessageSujet: Re: CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me.   CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. EmptySam 8 Jan - 22:53

Je prend note pour le lien. Laughing il y a plutôt intérêt oui ♥️
Arff et je te souhaite une bienvenue au passage CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 8322 CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 909775
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Arnaud Lemarchal
Arnaud Lemarchal

YIPPEE-KI-YAY ; motherfucker!

◊ WHO : Jacob 'Jake' Abel
◊ WHERE : Entre Paris et Hawaii
◊ AGE : 23 ans
◊ QUOTE : There might have been a time When I would give myself away. Once upon a time I didn't give a damn But now Here we are So whataya want from me Whataya want from me
◊ MESSAGES : 259
◊ PSEUDO : Camisado
◊ COPYRIGHT : Camisado, Adam Lambert - quote &. signature

CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. _
MessageSujet: Re: CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me.   CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. EmptySam 8 Jan - 22:54

Ma préférée de l'album c'est quand même Gone in September perso I love you
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Cat O'Connor
❝ Cat O'Connor ❞

◊ WHERE : Irlande.
◊ AGE : vingt-quatre ans.
◊ PSEUDO : dear.prudence
◊ COPYRIGHT : Lemon.Incest

CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. _
MessageSujet: Re: CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me.   CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. EmptySam 8 Jan - 22:58

Garance, merci beaucoup I love you J'adore ta signature au passage, elle me fait mourir de rire CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 8322
Han, tu m'as donné envie de l'écouter, Arnaud, je l'adore aussi ! CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 909775
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Garance Chevalier
Garance Chevalier

◊ WHO : Kristen sexy Stewart
◊ WHERE : Garance est une parisienne
◊ AGE : vingt-et-un ans
◊ COPYRIGHT : avatars (c) camisado

CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. _
MessageSujet: Re: CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me.   CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. EmptySam 8 Jan - 23:02

Ah oui, j'ai un problème avec les chinois je crois. Faut que je m'arrête.
Moi j'aime beaucoup Please don't go. Mais le morceau de piano derrière gone in september est magnifique j'avoue CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 892559 I love you
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Spencer Robyn Wilson
❝ Spencer Robyn Wilson ❞

◊ WHO : candice FUCKING HOT LA SUBLIME accola
◊ WHERE : austin, texas.
◊ AGE : vingt quatre ans
◊ QUOTE : We're young.We're supposed to drink too much. We're supposed to have bad attitudes and shag each other's brains out.We are designed to party !
◊ PSEUDO : awesome

CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. _
MessageSujet: Re: CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me.   CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. EmptySam 8 Jan - 23:08

    ANDREW FUCKING HOT SEXY AWESOME HANDSOME GARFIELD CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 388535
    Bienvenue (a)
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Cat O'Connor
❝ Cat O'Connor ❞

◊ WHERE : Irlande.
◊ AGE : vingt-quatre ans.
◊ PSEUDO : dear.prudence
◊ COPYRIGHT : Lemon.Incest

CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. _
MessageSujet: Re: CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me.   CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. EmptySam 8 Jan - 23:10

Garance, t'aime pas le riz ? Arrow CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 216329
Spencer, OMG quel accueil CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 34317 Et puis quel magnifique avatar tu as CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 601125
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Garance Chevalier
Garance Chevalier

◊ WHO : Kristen sexy Stewart
◊ WHERE : Garance est une parisienne
◊ AGE : vingt-et-un ans
◊ COPYRIGHT : avatars (c) camisado

CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. _
MessageSujet: Re: CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me.   CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. EmptySam 8 Jan - 23:12

Cat O'Connor a écrit:
Garance, t'aime pas le riz ? Arrow CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 216329
Laughing je n'ai jamais aimé mangé le riz avec des baguettes. Je n'ai jamais réussis CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 48941
M'enfin les pauvres chinois. J'ai pas grand chose contre eux CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 909775
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Cat O'Connor
❝ Cat O'Connor ❞

◊ WHERE : Irlande.
◊ AGE : vingt-quatre ans.
◊ PSEUDO : dear.prudence
◊ COPYRIGHT : Lemon.Incest

CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. _
MessageSujet: Re: CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me.   CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. EmptySam 8 Jan - 23:13

Manger du riz avec des baguettes devrait être un sport reconnu Arrow C'est tellement dur CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 397154
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Garance Chevalier
Garance Chevalier

◊ WHO : Kristen sexy Stewart
◊ WHERE : Garance est une parisienne
◊ AGE : vingt-et-un ans
◊ COPYRIGHT : avatars (c) camisado

CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. _
MessageSujet: Re: CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me.   CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. EmptySam 8 Jan - 23:17

Arrow arf je crois que je préfère encore prendre mes doigts. *baf*
Bon faut que je me mette sérieusement à ma fiche.
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Cat O'Connor
❝ Cat O'Connor ❞

◊ WHERE : Irlande.
◊ AGE : vingt-quatre ans.
◊ PSEUDO : dear.prudence
◊ COPYRIGHT : Lemon.Incest

CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. _
MessageSujet: Re: CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me.   CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. EmptySam 8 Jan - 23:18

Je sens qu'on va faire une belle bande de floodeurs. Et j'aime ça CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 216329 CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 397154
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Spencer Robyn Wilson
❝ Spencer Robyn Wilson ❞

◊ WHO : candice FUCKING HOT LA SUBLIME accola
◊ WHERE : austin, texas.
◊ AGE : vingt quatre ans
◊ QUOTE : We're young.We're supposed to drink too much. We're supposed to have bad attitudes and shag each other's brains out.We are designed to party !
◊ PSEUDO : awesome

CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. _
MessageSujet: Re: CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me.   CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. EmptySam 8 Jan - 23:18

Cat O'Connor a écrit:

Spencer, OMG quel accueil CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 34317 Et puis quel magnifique avatar tu as CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 601125

héhé merci (a) et je suis complètement amoureuse de andrew, j'y peux rien CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 909775
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Cat O'Connor
❝ Cat O'Connor ❞

◊ WHERE : Irlande.
◊ AGE : vingt-quatre ans.
◊ PSEUDO : dear.prudence
◊ COPYRIGHT : Lemon.Incest

CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. _
MessageSujet: Re: CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me.   CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. EmptySam 8 Jan - 23:26

Ne te contrôle pas, j'adore ça CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 216329 Cool C'est vrai qu'Andrew il est très... CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 388535
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Kathrina-Hazel Spencer
❝ Kathrina-Hazel Spencer ❞

◊ WHO : Dianna Agron.
◊ WHERE : ...
◊ AGE : ...
◊ COPYRIGHT : Aurélie.

CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. _
MessageSujet: Re: CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me.   CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. EmptySam 8 Jan - 23:38

Je sais pas dans quoi il joue lui, mais je le vois partout et je le trouve sacrément hot. CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 216329
Bienvenue parmi nous I love you
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Arnaud Lemarchal
Arnaud Lemarchal

YIPPEE-KI-YAY ; motherfucker!

◊ WHO : Jacob 'Jake' Abel
◊ WHERE : Entre Paris et Hawaii
◊ AGE : 23 ans
◊ QUOTE : There might have been a time When I would give myself away. Once upon a time I didn't give a damn But now Here we are So whataya want from me Whataya want from me
◊ MESSAGES : 259
◊ PSEUDO : Camisado
◊ COPYRIGHT : Camisado, Adam Lambert - quote &. signature

CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. _
MessageSujet: Re: CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me.   CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. EmptySam 8 Jan - 23:39

The Social Network, L'imaginarium du Docteur Parnassus.. entre autre Arrow
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Cat O'Connor
❝ Cat O'Connor ❞

◊ WHERE : Irlande.
◊ AGE : vingt-quatre ans.
◊ PSEUDO : dear.prudence
◊ COPYRIGHT : Lemon.Incest

CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. _
MessageSujet: Re: CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me.   CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. EmptySam 8 Jan - 23:42

    GRONGRON CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 388535 Cette fille est tellement, tellement sublime CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 35516
    Alors alors, petite minute culinéma, Andrew a joué dans The Social Network, Never Let Me Go, L'Imaginarium du Docteur Parnassus... Et il va bientôt jouer dans Spiderman aussi CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 541688
    Merci jolie Kathrina I love you

    EDIT : Minute cinéma grillée par Arnaud. CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 397154
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Spencer Robyn Wilson
❝ Spencer Robyn Wilson ❞

◊ WHO : candice FUCKING HOT LA SUBLIME accola
◊ WHERE : austin, texas.
◊ AGE : vingt quatre ans
◊ QUOTE : We're young.We're supposed to drink too much. We're supposed to have bad attitudes and shag each other's brains out.We are designed to party !
◊ PSEUDO : awesome

CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. _
MessageSujet: Re: CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me.   CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. EmptyDim 9 Jan - 0:22

Cat O'Connor a écrit:
Ne te contrôle pas, j'adore ça CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 216329 Cool C'est vrai qu'Andrew il est très... CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 388535

Haha grave il y a pas de mot pour décrire ce mec tellement il est ... CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 388535 Va nous falloir un lien qui gère I love you
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Swanne A. Hogan
❝ Swanne A. Hogan ❞

◊ WHO : Leighton (fucking) Meester.
◊ WHERE : Sydney.
◊ AGE : 23.
◊ QUOTE : « Tu sais ce qui a de plus douloureux dans un chagrin d’amour ? C’est d’pas pouvoir se rappeler ce qu’on ressentait avant. Essaie de garder cette sensation. Parce que si tu la laisses s’en aller... tu la perds à jamais. »
◊ PSEUDO : © k-kinda busy.
◊ COPYRIGHT : (c) Shiya. (c) Tumblr.

CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. _
MessageSujet: Re: CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me.   CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. EmptyDim 9 Jan - 0:38

Bienvenue. I love you
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Cat O'Connor
❝ Cat O'Connor ❞

◊ WHERE : Irlande.
◊ AGE : vingt-quatre ans.
◊ PSEUDO : dear.prudence
◊ COPYRIGHT : Lemon.Incest

CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. _
MessageSujet: Re: CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me.   CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. EmptyDim 9 Jan - 1:17

Spencer, bien sûr qu'il nous faut un lien CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 541688 Un truc qui gère tout CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 395456
Merci beaucoup Swanne, j'aime ce pseudo I love you
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Moonlight Eldeiwess
Moonlight Eldeiwess

MOONI took the stars from our eyes, and then I made a map

◊ WHO : mila kunis
◊ WHERE : wellington, nouvelle-zélande
◊ AGE : vingt-cinq ans
◊ QUOTE : La vérité est toujours plus surprenante que la fiction, parce que la fiction doit coller à ce qui est possible, alors que la vérité, elle, n'y est pas obligée. @Mark Twain
◊ PSEUDO : caterpillar, yeah!
◊ COPYRIGHT : gingercat

CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. _
MessageSujet: Re: CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me.   CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. EmptyDim 9 Jan - 20:55

ANDREEEEEEE(...)EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 216329 CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 541688 I love you Toi je t'aime déjà CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 909775 J'EXIGE UN LIEN parce Andrew = l'homme -ou presque - de ma vie. CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 397154
BIENVENUE A TOI (et le titre) CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. 892559
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Arnaud Lemarchal
Arnaud Lemarchal

YIPPEE-KI-YAY ; motherfucker!

◊ WHO : Jacob 'Jake' Abel
◊ WHERE : Entre Paris et Hawaii
◊ AGE : 23 ans
◊ QUOTE : There might have been a time When I would give myself away. Once upon a time I didn't give a damn But now Here we are So whataya want from me Whataya want from me
◊ MESSAGES : 259
◊ PSEUDO : Camisado
◊ COPYRIGHT : Camisado, Adam Lambert - quote &. signature

CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. _
MessageSujet: Re: CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me.   CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. EmptyLun 10 Jan - 23:12

ça avance? ;)
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❝ Contenu sponsorisé ❞

CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. _
MessageSujet: Re: CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me.   CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me. Empty

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CAT ☽ it's probably cuz' you think you're cooler than me.

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